Major Considerations

The major considerations for this University since its inception have been, to provide quality education in the areas of Social Sciences & Humanities, Languages, Law, & Education. In order to generate highly trained and motivated human resources in the field of Science & Technology and Engineering for providing services to the Western part of the country in particular and the country in general. The faculties have been developed through continuous efforts and through implementation of different types of academic and R &D Programmes to enable them to study and utilize natural and human resources for the development of this part of country. While promoting the faculties serious efforts have been made to provide equal opportunities to weaker sections like SC, ST, Minorities and women. The university has been making efforts to provide access to its resources, manpower and infrastructure to all sections of society.

Western Rajasthan has unique geography, geology, history, culture, heritage and environment, fauna and flora. Efforts have been made in different faculties to incorporate various aspects in the curricula to study these assets of the country and to preserve and promote these for continuous but sustainable development of the society.

The educated manpower has been trained in holistic manners so that they not only get employment in various sectors but they contribute towards the development of society and the country as whole.

The Government of Rajasthan, under the Section 5(2) of the University of Jodhpur Act 1962, permitted admission of the following colleges of Jodhpur to the privileges of this University w.e.f. 14-07-1962.

M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur.
Jaswant College, Jodhpur.
S.M.K. College, Jodhpur.
Kamla Nehru Girl’s College, Jodhpur.

These colleges were already centers of education and learning. The M.B.M. Engineering, Jaswant and S.M.K. Colleges had their established recognition not only at state level but at national and even at international levels. Establishment of new university at Jodhpur provided fillip to the progress of education in western Rajasthan. Very soon different faculties and new departments were created vigorously for the fulfillment of aims and objectives of the newly established university. The Faculty of Engineering expanded to feed the requirements of technical manpower in various new branches of Engineering like Electronics & Computer Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Chemical Engineering and Architecture. Infrastructures have been created at New Campus to house the faculty of science and its developing departments. Hostels building, laboratories were constructed. As on today the New Campus (main Campus of the University) not only has fully equipped science faculty, but it also houses ever growing Faculty of Arts, Education & Social Sciences, the University press to EMMRC, the Gymnasium, USIC, Central Library, facilities for games/ sports and hostels for UG & PG Boys/PG Girls and Maintenance Cell.

The Engineering Faculty Campus is located in the heart of the city to provide quality education and train high quality technical manpower. The students of the Engineering Faculty have brought laurels to the University and earned reputation in every part of the country. They are recognized by organizations/industries/institutions of even highly developed countries. The manpower generated has been contributing to the development of industry in this part of country. It is promoting utilisation of resources, providing employment and generating foreign currency for the country.

The Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies has done excellent job in producing high quality CAs, Managers, Executives, Teachers & Scholars for industry. It has specialised courses in Hotel Management and Tourism. They are excelling in all corners of our country. The Faculty got the prestigious ‘Escorts Award’ for a Project on ‘Delegation of Authority’.

The students and teachers of Faculty of Law have been judges and lawyers of the Supreme Court of India and High Courts. It is difficult to enumerate those who are serving the judiciary at state/district/tehsil levels. They are pioneers in defining and interpreting law under new social, economic, ecological, political and global regimes.

The Faculty of Science and its departments are studying Natural/Biological resources of the Indian Desert and the Aravallies. The Botany, Chemistry, Geology and Physics are DST FIST sponsored Departments. The Department of Geology is actively involved in exploration and exploitation of earth resources of these regions. These include oil, mineral and ground water resources. They have also generated knowledge about these regions and technology for the exploitation and utilisation. The departments of Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics and Zoology are providing high quality education and opportunities/infrastructure for research on different material assets of Western Rajasthan. With the help of UGC and other funding agencies like CSIR, DBT, DOEN, DRDO, DST, ICAR, ICFRE and ISRO, these departments have acquired sophisticated equipments and facilities like field stations, green house, micro propagation laboratory.

The Departments of Botany and Zoology are working on conservation of the threatened and endangered species of Desert and Aravalli eco-systems. They are studying the fragile eco-systems and the natural resources.

The Department of Chemistry has been working on Chemistry of natural products and for the development of tie and dye industry, environmental remediation, designing of devices for storage of energy and for promoting chemical and natural product based industries.

The Department of Physics and Mathematicsare working in collaboration with various agencies including DRDO for generating knowledge and development of scientific methods not only for teaching and education but for utilisation in science based industries and strategic areas like Oil exploration and Designs related to defence. The Department of Physics is working on various aspects of material sciences in collaboration with DRDO and BARC.

The Faculty of Science and its departments have collaborations/MOUs with industries and organizations. Individual laboratories/teachers are helping the Governmental and non-governmental organisations in development and utilisation of technologies based on science and resources generated in our university. We also provide opportunities to students and researchers of other areas/states to make use of our resources.

The departments of Faculty of Arts, Education & Social Sciences impart education and training in linguistic studied in English, French, Hindi, Rajasthani, and Sanskrit to enable the students to activate their inertia of the linguistic potential. Besides teaching it fosters research on contemporary topics promoting socio-economic development. The education and training so imparted have generated manpower useful in various fields including foreign affairs, intelligence services, strategic areas and economy. It is felt that under all types of hostile environmental conditions and resource crunch the Jai Narain Vyas University has been successful in imparting quality education, providing training, generating infrastructure, manpower for future progress and development of this region of the country.