Name: |
Dr.(Mrs.) Sangeeta Loonker |
E-mail: | |
Mobile No.: |
9414133860 |
Address: |
Neil,70-Jwala Vihar ,Chopasani Road Jodhpur (Rajasthan) |
About the Department:

To Develop and Nurture a StrongSpirit for Strengthening Unexplored Scientific Heritage for a Better and Greener Universal Society. MISSION
Our Mission is to Provide High Quality application orientedscientific education and research to younger generation through a blend of science, engineering and technology.
Department aims at grooming the younger professionals to carry forward the spirit of scientific approach and serve as a valuable resource for industry and society.
We undertake collaborative projects which offer opportunities for long-term interaction with Research& Development institutes and industry.
Work to inculcate high moral and ethical values amongst the students to make them responsible citizens and good human beings.
* Acquisition of knowledge
* Development of skills
* Build Leadership aptitude
* Initiatives and Risk Calculation assessments
* Service to the society
* Career building and Career Enrichment
The Department of Chemistry is one of the founder department of Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, (Erstwhile Jodhpur University) established in July 1962. It imparts all levels of higher education, i. e., undergraduate, postgraduate, research degree and D. Sc as well. UGC formulated a programme; COSIST and sanctioned the same to the department in 1983 for post graduate and development of research facility in the department. The M.Sc. course under this new scheme was in operation between July 1985-2003. The Department is amongst the few Chemistry department of the country, which were selected for this programme. On the lines of COSIST University Department of Chemistry was identified by U.G. C. under Special Assistance Program (SAP) of Departmental Research Support under which autonomy has been assigned to the PG course in the Department of Chemistry since year 2010. From the session 2015-16 CBCS system of UGC is adopted for postgraduate programme. More than 700 candidates have been awarded/registered for the Ph.D. degree and three have been awarded D.Sc. degree. One patent and about 2000 research papers from faculty and research workers have been published in International and National Scientific Journals.
Department of Chemistry is currently having 13 Professors, 02 Associate Professors and 12 Assistant Professors.
All the faculty members of the department are actively involved in application-oriented research programmes. Co-ordination chemistry, polymers and their modifications for value-added products, nano-materials, solar energy conversion technology, environmental issues are some of them to mention.
We have been receiving grants from several funding agencies for strengthening research programmes. U.G.C., C.S.I.R., D.S.T., D.B.T., I.C.A.R., DRDO, DAE has generously contributed to this.
Faculty members are associated with all local R & D laboratories and leading premier academic institutes placed at Jodhpur for collaborative research activities.
40 students are admitted to M.Sc. previous (Chemistry)CBCS programme every year under government/regular quota. Equal number of students (40) are admitted for the same programme and same curriculum under “Self-Finance Scheme.” With a team of highly qualified, being always subject updated, dedicated and disciplined staff members, it is a matter of great pride to mention that admission for post-graduation in chemistry department has long been student’s first choice, not only among different discipline but also institution wise.
Prof K M Gangotri was awarded Emeritus Professorship by UGC in 2017
• Prof S Kumbhat has been awarded UGC-BSR fellowship in 2019.
• Department has a unique H-shaped double storied structure, no other department in the university has this kind of building structure.
• Front (north-block) is primarily having laboratories. Ground floor is mainly for UG classes and first floor is for PG classes. There are 02 full time laboratories for B.Sc. I year, 01 each for B.Sc. II and III year. EACH OF THESE LABORATORY CAN ACCOMMODATE TWO PRACTICAL BATCHES (40 STUDENTS IN ALL) AT A TIME.
• Rear block (South-block) has administrative office of HOD and departmental office along-with PG classrooms and departmental library.
• Research laboratories of faculty members are spread through both the blocks.
Department is currently equipped with modern UV-Vis spectrophotometers, IR spectrophotometer, AAS. Besides, HPLC and other minor equipment are available in sufficient numbers for PG students.
Department has more than 30000 mainly reference books, encyclopedias and reputed international journals along with Chemical Abstracts.
Department has organized several international conferences in the past and national level in recent time. This includes International Symposium on Electrochemistry, International Symposium on Polymers, Carbohydrate Conference etc.
Recent events include “National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Chemical Science NSETCS-2015”, organised by the department under convenorship of Prof Vimla Choudhary.
“National Seminar on Recent Trends in Chemical Research NSRTCR-2016”. Convenor for this conference was Dr Priyanka Purohit.
2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends of Research in Applied Sciences, Experimental and Computational Techniques ETRASECT’16
“Symposium on Electrochemistry, Energy and Environment” was conducted from December 16-18, 2016. Dr Rajni Bais was organizing Secretary.
National Conference on “Energy and Environment: Perspective and Challenges ‘’ on 9-10, March 2019. Dr S L Meena and Dr Jayshree Rathore were Organizing secretary of the conference.
National seminar on “Current Trends and Advancement in Chemical, Physical and Life sciences, was organized on 15-16 March, 2019 and Convener of the seminar wasDr Om Prakash Bishnoi.