Name: |
Dr. (Mrs.) Sunita Arora |
E-mail: | |
Mobile No.: |
9414319675 |
Address: |
60, Indra Vihar, Section-7, New Power House Road, Jodhpur (Raj.)- 342003 |
About the Department:

The Department of Botany, Jai NarainVyas University, Jodhpur was established in 1948 at Jaswant Campus and shifted to the New Campus in 1962. The Department of Botany has a strong foundation laid by the stalwarts: Prof. UN Chatterjee (Plant Physiology), Prof. HC Arya (Plant Pathology and Plant tissue culture), Prof. M.M. Bhardari (Taxonomy) Prof. Narendra Sankhla (Plant Physiology), Prof. David N. Sen (Desert Ecology), Prof. BD Sharma (Palaeobotany) and continuously nurtured by their disciples.
This department has made impressive progress in research and teaching activities from the last 70 years. Students and Researchers work for their Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in the Department of Botany. About eight laboratories are actively engaged in different areas of plant. Well equipped smart class rooms are available for teaching. The research and development activities attract national and international attention. Research and Development projects are funded by national and international agencies. These include, The European Economic Community, FAO, UNDP/UNIDO, US-PL-480, CSIR, UGC, DST, DBT, DRDO, DOEn, ICAR, ICFRE, CSB, Ministry of Health, State DST, etc. Since 1980 this department has been receiving grants under Special Assistance Program (SAP) of the University Grants Commission of India. UGC Sponsored SAP-DSA Phase III Program has been successfully completed and after review by the UGC team during 2014, the Department is upgraded to Center of Advanced Study in Botany. Since 1980 grants worth Rs.650 lakhs have been received for development of infrastructure and for implementation of R&D Projects. In 1983, on the recommendation of the Science Advisory Committee to the Cabinet (SACC), the University Grants Commission of India launched the COSIST (Committee on Strengthening of Infrastructure in Science and Technology). The basic objective of COSIST is to assist selected Science and Technology departments in the Indian Universities; which has already exhibited and achieved high quality performance to attain excellence in the post-graduate education in the fields of plant sciences and allied subjects with latest development in field of Plant research. The department of Botany has been selected for implementation of COSIST program by the UGC from April 1999 for raising the standard of post-graduate education and research to international level. The M.Sc. (COSIST) Botany course under this new scheme was started from July 1999. With the implementation of COSIST programme, on an average six students of this Department qualify CSIR-NET examination every year. This department is selected by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for support under FIST (Funds for Improvement of S & T Infrastructure). FIST program-I and FIST program-II was successfully completed. DST has evaluated the Department Progress as “VERY GOOD” for both the phases and accordingly awarded FIST-III with a financial outlay of 74 lakhs for next five years 2017-22. At present 24 faculties (8 Professor and 16 Assistant Professor) have working in Department with the full of academic and research activity. Every year, department published atleast 50 research paper, review articles and book chapters in scientific index Journals. Various academic, research, botanical excursion and other co-curriculum activities (sports and culture events) organized by Botanical Society in the Department.
Under the COSIST programme, the Department of Botany offers a two years integrated program
leading to Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Botany. From the academic year 2015-16, the Department
offers to students Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with semesterization of the examination
pattern under COSIST programme. Students are admitted on an all India basis. The basic specializations offered are in the areas of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry, Physiology of Plant Growth, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Plant Microbe-Interactions, Mycology and Plant Pathology, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Molecular characterization of Bacteria/rhizobia, Bacterial genomics, Microbiology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Resources, Systematics and Biodiversity, Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Plant Prospecting and Plant genomics. The Department has also offer research facilities for advance research in major areas of plant biology leading to Ph.D. and D.Sc. degree. Interested candidate get admission for PhD programme through All India level entrance exam MPET.
The Department possesses modern equipments required for teaching and research. Major
Equipments available in the department of Botany are:
- Agarose Electrophoresis System(s)
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence Meter
- Cold Room
- Computer Networking System
- Deep Freezers (-20oC and -80oC)
- Electrophoresis Systems: 1-D and 2-D
- Electroporation cum Protoplast Fusion System
- Fluorescence Microscope
- Gel Documentation Systems
- HPLC system
- Humidifiers and Fog Systems
- Ice making machine
- Incubator(s) and Incubator Shaker
- Industrial Oven
- Laminar Air Flow Benches
- Master Thermal Cycler (PCR Machines)
- Microbial storage facility
- Micropropagation/Green House Facilities
- Microscopes with photo-micrographic and image merging facilities
- Microtome
- Millipore Water Purification System
- Nat Steel Autoclave(s)
- Osmometer
- Plant Canopy Analyzer
- Portable Photosynthetic system Li-6400
- Portable Photosynthetic Systems (CID, USA)
- Real Time-PCR
- Spectrofluorimeter-JASCO
- Steady State Porometer
- Submerged Electrophoresis System
- Super Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Ultra Freezers
- UV-VIS-Spectrophotometers
- Poly House and Glass House facility
- Harding Unit/Green house facility
- Slide/Overhead Projectors/Multimedia System/ Smart Board
The Departmental library has enriched to latest books and high impact factor Journals. The existing high speed Internet facility in Library also provided basic platform to post-graduate students, research scholars and faculty members.